Friday, March 20, 2015

Incomming Flames!

Making these 5 quizzes made me doubt my grammatic skills in english, especially the 5th ang last one. The sentences that I've had mistakes were:
- I've redone this math problem at least twenty times, but my answer is wrong according to the answer key. The answer in the book  be wrong!
-You  do the job if you didn't speak Japanese fluently.
-At first, my boss didn't want to hire Sam. But, because I had previously worked with Sam, I told my boss that he  take another look at his resume and reconsider him for the position.
-The lamp  be broken. Maybe the light bulb just burned out.

Modal verbs can be confusing if you don't know the basic rules in using them. But with a little bit of practice, you'd be able to master it pretty easily. We use different kinds of modal verbs depending on the situation or depending on how you want to express yourself. We can also use modal verbs for different intentions.

Friday, March 13, 2015

cold blooded legend

I have always liked mythical creatures since I was a kid. But there is one specific creature that I certainly would love to be like. And that creature is probably one, if not, the most recognized mythical creature, the dragon.

Dragons are majestic no matter what they do (admit it! They do). They are respected by everyone who knows their existence. They can fly wherever they want, live wherever they want with ease. They also are a very confident creature to the point that some call them as the masters of the sky.

I want to be one not only because they are cool, but also because they have this "aura" of being the type who others consider as being reliable at all times. A type who protects everyone at any cost.

once a tiger, always a tiger

A lot of people think that big cats, like any other predators, are always the agressive type of animals. Animals who always think of all moving things as food or enemy. Well they're wrong. In fact, I want to be one of the big 3 cats which is the tiger.

You're probably asking why I wanted to be one. It's simple. Tigers are actually shy just like me. They tend to avoid human contact for as much as possible. If they get cornered, they think of it as a threat to their lives so they tend to attack. From there, It is best not to approach one to avoid getting hurt. But if you want to see one in the wild, it's recommended that you hire a professional and be inside an armored/caged jeep for your own safety. Tigers are also loving. They protect their cubs from any danger that may approach them. Also, another reason why I want to be one is that tigers look so fearsome but cute and fluffy at the same time.

What I'm saying is that. I want to be a tiger because they can fend for themselves, protect the ones precious to them, others respect them (in some cases because they fear them), and even with their agressive looks and the rumors behind their behavior, they're still one of the most gentle felines I know. Think of them as your average domestic cat, but only 10 times bigger and mroe times cooler. By the way, they aslo have weird moments just like anybody else.

Friday, March 6, 2015

My Club in High School

When I was in grade school, I had always wanted to be in a sports team. I had played outdoor games with my classmates and sometimes with some high school students, sports such as basketball and volleyball, and I even jogged with my uncle on weekends. Also, I was a member of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines in our school. I had joined all scout trips and participated in all evets ever since I joined.

After graduating, I entered high school in UST. At first, It was quite boring since we couldn't leave the building on lunch breaks and it didn't have an open field to play with. So instead, I joined our yearly intramurals, where I played sports such as basketball,chess, and volleyball. We also had our inter-level cheering competition then. I also had continued to be part of the BSP in UST when school started. Then, during our summer vacation after our 2nd year, my classmate asked me to join their football(soccer) club since he had seen how I moved and run ony my scout duties. Since then I had been skipping my scouting duties because I had trainings after class.

That was probably the most memorable time I had in high school since football has always been my favorite sport and I got the chance to learn and play it as an official player. Too bad I had to go back to Spain a year before graduating.