Friday, February 27, 2015

weird stuff

Bienvenido de nuevo! I'm glad that you're here again! Or if you're new to my blog, then welcome! Today I will be talking about the weird or strange stuff inside my room.

This first one is pretty normal for a guy my age to have in my room, but since I share a room with my aunt, then it is pretty weird.
This next one is just a sample of what I currently have. Inside my drawer lies an opened sachet of lubricant. I don't really use it but since it has a rather special thing about it, I can't manage to throw it away.

Now this is the weirdest part, in my room, almost every night when I'm heading towards my room to sleep, there's this old lady in white standing either by the cabinet, by the door, or near the foot of my bed. It really creeps me out because I, although I haven't really seen her face, know that she's there staring at me, and I also have this feeling that she wants to get near me.

Self Introduction

Hola! Que tal? This is my very first blog so I apologize in advance if I'm making  a boring one. I know I'll be having alot of mistakes gramatically and I'm willing to accept comments, especially tips that could help me make better posts. Anyways, how about we start by introducing myself?

My name is William Brian Lambino Ayon-ayon. You can call me Will, Brian or whatever you want. I was born on March 28th, 1990 in Barcelona Spain. I am currently taking BSITAGD as a first year in FEU Institute of Technology. Yes, I may seem old to be in my first year of college but it is actually my second course. I took my first college degree at Centro de Estudioos Aeronauticos in Barcelona. You're probably wondering why I'm taking another course that is not related from my first one.

Actually, I wasn't really planing to, but after leaving my past job and due to Spain's economic downfall, I started thinking about studying again but this time, I wanted my course to be taught in english. So I talked to my cousin about it and told me that she was planning to apply for a college degree in Charles darwin University in Darwin, Australia. I got interested and thought about what I wanted to be when I was younger, which was to be an engineer, so I said I'd go with her. I had everything prepared and ready but sadly, my application was a ew days late and ended up not enrolling. So I've just decided to go back here in the Philippines to take the course since they teach most of the lessons here in English and, of course, it's cheaper.

When I enrolled here in FEU, the guide made a tour for the upcomming freshmen and there was this floor filled with computers and she said that it was normally used by egnineering and IT students. Then, there was also this particular room called Game Kiosk where, IT specialized in animation and game development students play games to analyze and observe games. I used to love programming and as a gamer myself, I wanted to develop my own game so I decided that I'd be taking IT instead of engineering.

I guess that's it for this blog. It was more on explaining why I took this course than introducing myself. I hope you didn't get bored. Feel free to leave a comment and I'd appreciate some helpful tips. Thanks for reading and have a great day. Hasta la proxima!